The Good Energy Project
The Good Energy Podcast
Suckling the industrial mother pig

Suckling the industrial mother pig

Hannah interviews Loo about her experience of economics, her hopes and dreams and why she feels like a piglet suckling an enormous industrial mother pig.
Eight little pink piglets suckle the teats of a big grey industrial mother pig. One piglet has stopped suckling for a moment and looks with a startled expression towards the camera. It has Loo’s face on it!

This week the tables have turned. Hannah gets to fulfil her dream of being a podcast host and I have a go at answering difficult questions about my childhood, the economics of my life, why I’ve chosen to focus on home and kāinga, what I hope to achieve in this project and why I feel like a piglet suckling an enormous industrial mother pig.

It was a treat to explore the ideas and epiphanies this project is bringing me. I feel shocked that it has taken me 41 years to begin to understand the ways our economic system controls our lives. Despite my deep desire to connect with community and the whenua, I find myself relying on big corporations for my day-to-day sustenance - supermarkets, banks, oil companies etc. Ironically it feels simpler and less risky to keep suckling at these impersonal industrial entities than it does to do business with friends and family. It seems to me that we’ve lost a fundamental ability to work together and to sustain ourselves from the earth. That feels scary! But I do have hope that by understanding more and connecting more we can start to detach ourselves from the teats of the industrial mother pig and reshape the way energy and resources flow.

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The Good Energy Project
The Good Energy Podcast
A science communicator on a mission to reveal the invisible economic forces that shape our lives and environment. Finding and connecting people across Aotearoa who want to change our economic system for the better.