May 30, 2023Liked by Loo Connor

Wow. Loo ! You brought us another wonderful interview, thank you. And thank you, Susan. You are not only an engineer, but also a wonderful communicator. Ngā mihi, Tur

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Very nice, Discovered Susan on a "Happen Films" NZ Podcast, and I'd love to know more about Transition engineering. Great work here, Loo. Also, I really enjoyed your interview with Justin, who articulated a nicely in-depth description of the Vagabond veg project.

This guy might be right up your ally:)


keep up the good work:)

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Thanks so much Joe! Someone else just told me about Daniel Schmachtenberger so I'll definitely look him up! I find transition engineering very exciting. I love how it starts from first principles and reimagines economics from this very practical ground. ANyone can join as an affiliate or member to support the movement here: https://gate.wildapricot.org/join_us

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